Hi Parents, Carly George is looking to add more students to the Scioto ROX program. Permission slips are due by Friday 2/26/21. The program begins on March 1st. Please see the info below for more details. CLICK HERE to download the ROX permission slip.
“Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are excited to be able to bring the Ruling Our eXperiences (ROX) program to our high school girls this year. ROX is a co-curricular program focused on education, safety, health and empowerment of girls.
We know that being an adolescent girl can be challenging. Girls are struggling with a number of issues unique to being a girl. Technology, media influence and social pressures can make these issues all the more challenging. ROX is a program that will provide our female learners with a safe place where she can talk about these issues and learn new skills to manage these pressures, develop as a female leader, and gain the confidence to rule her own experiences! Topics covered in ROX include: team-building, healthy communication, cyber safety and social media, friendships and girl bullying, stress and pressure, safety, body image and the media, leadership and academic/career development. Additionally, ROX welcomes guest speakers from the community who are successful female leaders and share their education and career journey with program participants. A final unique aspect of the ROX Program is that girls are taught about personal safety and assertiveness, including verbal and physical self-defense strategies.
The ROX Program is a 20-week experience and is scheduled to begin on March 1st, 2021. Girls who participate in ROX will meet during one of the times listed based on preference; Monday’s 7th period 1:53pm-2:42pm or after school at 2:45pm. As licensed and trained ROX facilitators, we will lead the ROX Program and we are specifically licensed to implement the curriculum.
To have your child participate in ROX, please complete and return the attached permission form to Carly George by February 26, 2021. We are really looking forward to working with the girls, and even more excited about her opportunity to participate in ROX!
Lastly, we are grateful for the generous support of Dublin City Schools, who is providing financial support to cover the implementation fees of the ROX Program. This funding makes your student’s participation 100% free. Thank you!
Carly George and Dana Jackson
ROX Facilitator”
CLICK HERE to download a copy of this letter.