2021 Scioto PTO Spring Flower Sale

Scioto PTO is holding its flower sale again this year. We are taking orders up through March 24th. The flowers are from Strader’s nursery. They are very nice! If you’re interested, please complete the attached customer order form and email it to [email protected].

Payment should be made by check to Scioto PTO. If you’d rather Venmo or Zelle the funds let us know in the email and we will contact you. The flowers arrive on Tuesday, May 4th and can be picked up between 3:15 PM and 7PM at Scioto. Please refer to the attached documents for more information. Thank you for your support!

Please click here to download the Customer Order Form.

Please click here to download the School Copy Form.

Please click here to download the 2021 Flower List.

Please click here to download the Flower Examples below.