Author: tiffany deSilva

Scioto PTO Presents The Berwick’s Taste of Italy Tour

Scioto High School PTO is hosting the Berwick’s Taste of Italy Tour on Thursday, March 4th from 4:30pm-6pm. Place your order from now until Wednesday March 3rd at 3pm. You can order online at: or call 614-235-7100. Pick up will be at the main entrance in front of Scioto High School from 4:30pm-6:00pm on […]

Scioto ROX Program

Hi Parents, Carly George is looking to add more students to the Scioto ROX program. Permission slips are due by Friday 2/26/21. The program begins on March 1st. Please see the info below for more details. CLICK HERE to download the ROX permission slip. “Dear Parents/Guardians,We are excited to be able to bring the Ruling […]