Scioto PTO is providing our staff with a pasta dinner on April 7th during conferences. We need donations of food and desserts.
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 2-6th and PTO is busy putting together ideas to celebrate them each day.
We need donations of snacks and items for raffle baskets.
If you can help with either or both of these events please see the SignUp Genius link below. We are also happy to shop for you, if you’d like to make a monetary donation, the link is in the SignUp Genius, as well as an Amazon Wish List that will be shipped directly to PTO.
Thank you for your support of our amazing Scioto Staff!
~Scioto PTO
Dublin Scioto Celebration of Excellence is a wonderful event for our students, teachers, and parents. It is a great way for us to recognize the wonderful achievement that our students do every day.
Teachers and staff nominate one student each who has put others before themselves. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up to help.
Global Read A Latte is a wonderful event that is sponsored by our students and teachers! Families are welcome to come and see all of the festivities. If you would like to volunteer and help pass out water, please consider signing up to help on Thursday, March 24th beginning at 2:15 p.m. PTO is still in need of bottled water for the event.
If you would like to donate please use the signup genius link.
Thank you for all of your support!
The Dublin Scioto PTO is hosting an After Prom Party on Saturday, April 9th. This year’s After Prom Party is being held at Sawmill Lanes and begins at 11:00 pm to 2:30 am.
Each year the PTO undertakes the responsibility of planning and sponsoring a drug and alcohol-free After Prom party to provide our teens with a safe, fun-filled, memorable evening. The After Prom is open to all Junior and Senior Students and their dates. The cost to provide unlimited games, food, prizes, and entertainment is substantial for our organization. The majority of the funds raised come from parent and business donations, as well as fundraising efforts. The donations make it possible to keep the ticket cost to a minimum so more students are able to attend. 100% of the money raised is spent on rental of the Sawmill Lanes, video games by Mr. Game Room, food, arcaded games, casino night, and prizes for the students. All Juniors and Seniors can attend even if they do not attend prom. The cost is $15.00 per student.
At this time we are in need of Lane Sponsors for $100 each and/or donations of gift cards. We are also looking for $25 Casino Night Sponsors.
Additionally, gift cards will be raffled off as prizes to the students all evening! Drawling for large prizes at 1:00 a.m.
Your donations or sponsorship will be displayed at the event, included on our PTO Website and Facebook page and in an email sent to the Scioto parents.
Please drop off donations / gift cards at the Scioto front office by Monday, April 4th Please mark the envelope PTO AFTER PROM.
Our students thank you for your support!
Date: 04/09/2022 (Sat.)Time: 11:00pm – 2:30am
Location: Sawmill Lanes
Prom is just around the corner!
Below is a coupon for $50.00 off from Romanoff’s Classic Tuxedos located on 6391 Sawmill Road. Coupons will also be available in the main office. If you have a student who needs a prom dress, we still have plenty new dresses available for free at the High School, please have your student contact the main office.
While many of you are already aware of this very sad news, we have Scioto families who were impacted by an apartment fire recently. Our Scioto Administrative team is currently working closely with the families to help and have asked for gift cards to local stores such as Kroger, Meijer, Target etc. If you would like to donate gift cards, you can drop them off anytime to the front office with a note “PTO, Families in Need” and the team will make sure the cards get appropriately distributed to the families right away.
The Scioto PTO has also set up a QR code and a PayPal link (see below) to make monetary donations that will be transferred to the Administrative Team, so they can assist in making necessary purchases.
If you have any questions for the PTO, please do not hesitate to ask on our Facebook Page(s) The Dublin Scioto High School PTO or The Dublin Scioto High School PTO Parent Group or email us at [email protected]
We will continue to update this blog as needs come up. Thank you for all of your continued support. We have great faith our Irish community will come together and rally around these families to help them in their time of need.